Thursday, August 7, 2014

YSRnRY Daily Fix: Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Soundtrack and Magazine ...

I found this music video on youtube of the game Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles for the Spectrum. Really like the 8 bit sound coming out of it. This video also has cuts from spectrum magazines from the old days. Play it at your own risk. Only for spectrum fans. I believe the rest of the common mortals will not get this stuff at all. It was really cool to pull back from my memory those images of the Turtles. I remember the days when I spent lots of hours playing this game on the spectrum after waiting the computer a few minutes to load the tape. It was really frustrating when it didn't load. These days we can just load it almost instantly on the PC with an emulator.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

You will need an emulator

That's right, to play Amiga games on your PC you will have to get hold of a piece of software called emulator. The emulator I used is called WinUAE and you can download it from the internet. Just Google it and you will have all the info you need to Run it. Good Luck If you are struggling to find the download here's the link from WinUAE